Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Preppers, not to be confused with preppies

I have recently discovered YouTube. If you havent go give it a look. You can find anything you want on it and a whole lot that makes me wonder if their head was screwed on straight when they filmed things and actually put it out on the web. SMH.. guess it takes all types. (thats shaking my head.. my teen taught me)

I have recently found a sec of people called preppers. They believe in the WROL and SHTF. I am learning a whole new language.
WROL = without rule of law
SHTF = Shit hits the fan
After watching some of the videos, that I might add I've made lots of new friends and learned all sorts of new things, Ive discovered that IMHO (in my humble opinion) i dont think they have a clue. Some of them have years of food stored in basements, attics, extra rooms or garages in thier homes.

In my minds imagination I gotta ask. How long do they really think all that is going to last? Especially after they have posted it on YouTube for everyone and their brother to view.

Now in one way I actually agree with them. I think SHTF will eventually come... i think WROL is not an unheard of concept. But if i had saved up years of food for either or both of these situation is it really smart to advertize to the world what you have, how much you have and what state your in? Do they think no one that knows them has viewed that video.. some of them many videos? Imagine this.... we are in the same place we were in the Great Depression, lack of food makes people  do things they normally wouldnt. They get a sense of bravery or stupidty theyve never possessed before. A father looking at babies that are starving will do most anything to get food to those babies. How long do they think they will last when a Mob mentality sets in??? Some of them are very well equipted with a small armory. But how long can one house withstand mobs of hungry people?
Not that im knocking holes in their whole theory... well actually thats exactly what im doing. But I would think if i had the room and ability to store 2 years worth of food, no one would know about it.
They have flour, sugar, milk, rice, endless supplies of canned foods, water and medicines. The question that pops into my mind is this... what are you going to do with it, provided the MOB of people doesnt over take you? One has canned chicken, dehydrated veggies that she plans on making soup when that day comes. Coming from one that cooks .. homestyle cooking..  That aroma of homemade chicken soup cooking will draw hungry people like a moth to a flame.
Now dont get me wrong... reading all this and watching all these videos has got me to thinking. This ole world is backing itself into a corner. We dont respect our planet, our neighbor or ourselves for that matter. Natural disasters are hitting more and more often. I do believe the earth is responding. What i dont believe is that people like Al Gore have a freaking clue. He and others have jumped on that money making wagon with all fours.
Soo... whats the answer? What will life here on earth be like in that time? Its times like this.. im sooooooo glad i have a faith in God. Not that that faith will save me or rescue me out of bad times, history has proven sometimes it doesnt.. say the Holocaust, Witch hunts of the Americas, England bloody torcture of independent thinkers when it comes to God.. sometimes evil happens to good people. But its good to know there is life after this life.
So I leave you with this question. In the event of WROL, would you want to be a survivor? Which would you rather be, the one defending with his life what he has saved up or the one risking his life to give to his family?
Just thoughts to ponder... I dont think my little 4x16 garden is gonna get me very far.. LOL

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