The air is calm and cool. As I sit sipping my hot drink the sun is just starting to peek through the trees. The winds have changed. I know this because I can hear the traffic of the freeway that is north of me. Just sitting here pondering my little corner of this huge earth.
My yard has changed so much since we moved into this home. The back was grown over with waist deep weeds. There was a huge hole where a tree had been prior to hurricane Ike. There were no flowers or flower beds. Now as I stroll around this morning and look at the banana, cannas, hibiscus, rose of sharons, oleanders and crepe myrtles all getting ready to sleep for the winter, the ground all covered with a thick layer of mulch I reflect on how much calmness these plants have added to my life. My little greenhouse that is just exploding with life protected from the chilly air. My garden beds I have prepared for next spring.
A couple of days ago a woman came to me in my back yard while I was spreading manure, that in itself turned to be a funny reflection later, She complimented my yard and asked if I believed in God. I looked at her and replied you cant grow a seed to a tomato and not have a belief in God and creation. She said she disagreed with me that many people grow gardens and not know God. That's fine.. I told her. I don't need to be agreed with to have my own beliefs.
As i reflect on what she said it made me ponder a little. Horse poo or cow manure is heavy. Trust me.. its heavy...LOL. But added to the soil it breaks down and makes the soil lighter. We as Christians should not be so heavy that we cant lighten the world around us. And yes, Im speaking to myself more than anyone else. While smelly and nasty this composted stuff turns into a soil conditioner and it feeds the plants growing. Isn't that what we should be? We all are smelly and nasty sometimes aren't we? I know I am. But sooner or later we calm down into our beliefs in God and become useful and actually make the world around us a better place. I think I'm mostly broken down with just a few clumps of smelly and nasty left... but I'm working on them.
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