It all started here on Sept 19, 2011
The plants are about 3 weeks old.
Then we ate turnip green salads, turnip greens with cornbread or
just nibbled on the young plants. I did get a few turnips.
8 weeks later. I have over 50 tomatoes
(not counting the green ones we have fried)
More turnips, spinach and collards coming up
along the border of the gardenette.
Green house beginning
I had visions of green plants all neat and orderly.
Little spinach babies 10-29
Little lettuce babies 10-29
Little mustard babies 10-29
Sweet peas are learning to climb their trellis.
Today 11-16-2011
Romaine and Buttercrunch Lettuce.
The little concrete cylinders keep the ground warm at night.
Funny story about those I'll blog later
Green beans and Carrots
Cucumbers by the milk jug getting ready to trellis
And a mighty mustard patch...LOL
Sweet peas on their trellis loaded with sweet smelling blooms
I made "pots" of newspaper for tomato seedlings.
They are in a recycled Jasons Deli container green house.
I have more spinach, lettuce and beets planted in the pots.
The two tomato "suckers" are growing beautifully
Ok... you may have noticed the milk jugs in the beds. They have tiny holes in the bottom and with the lid on they will release water into the ground slowly. If its really dry i can loosen the lid and it releases the water more quickly. This way the plants get a slow stead source of water.
LOL the concrete cylinders....
My brother n law (Lori's hubby) brought me a load of 2 inch x 7 inch solid concrete cylinders. They had to drill through the walls at a prison to put new plumbing. So he asked me if I would like them for any reason... YES.. i would love them.
The purpose...
During the winter or in our case cold snaps, they absorb heat during the day and then release it slowly at night when its cool. It keeps the ground warm so the plants don't know its winter in their little warm green house.
Now for the funny.
I have a YouTube site where fellow gardeners and myself can share secrets and seeds. So I posted how well my "concrete cylinder heaters" were working. I received a reply. Now don't get me wrong.. I'm not here to belittle anyone for their beliefs... whatever floats your boat. Just don't be offended if i happen to chuckle at them if they are in left field. Left field serves a purpose.. its a balance.. but Lord can they make me laugh sometimes. She believe everything carries a spirit or energy.
This was her reply:
"Great looking hoop house!! I'm glad to see you are recycling so many things. I know you probably have already done so, but make sure you say a prayer over the concrete to remove all of the negative spirits and energies from them. It will affect how your plants grow. Coming from a prison they will be full of negative energies."
This was my reply:
Thank you for the compliment. Recycling for me is about taking what I have now and making it work. ummm.. about the energies. Ive thought about it. The cylinders have been near the plants for about a week now. Ive noticed the plants closet to them seem to be thriving the best. Which leads me to the following belief. Seeing how I have had some experience with prison dwellers Ive come to the conclusion that 90% of what they say is total bullsh... umm excrement. And plants LOVE blulsh... umm excrement. So if the "excrement" spirits dwell in these cylinders... I think I'm gonna have him bring me a few more because they seem to love the energy coming from them.
I think i missed the point... LOL
Anywho.... I'm loving the plants. And i don't see any life coming from bad energy or negative thoughts. When I'm around my plants or in the hoop house i do converse with the dear Lord.... I feel the most alive alone with my plants.
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