48 Years Ago
Martin Luther King gave his famous "I have a dream speech".
How things have changed. While hatred and racism still exist, look how far we have come. July 2,1964, President Johnson signs into law the "Civil Rights Act of 1964"
48 Years Ago
Two recording companies fought over the first two US releases of The Beatles albums in the US.
48 Years Ago
The surgeon general Luther Leonidas Terry announces for the first time that "smoking MAY be hazardous to your health.
48 Years ago most everyone has one TV in the living room or den. One telephone usually in the foyer or on the kitchen wall. Most women still were home makers. The divorce rate was 3.6%. Families had 4.2 children. The family had one car.
48 year ago President Johnson pledged to carry through on " The Great Society"
The Great Society was a set of domestic programs in the United States promoted by President Lyndon B. Johnson and fellow Democrats in Congress in the 1960s. Two main goals of the Great Society social reforms were the elimination of poverty and racial injustice. New major spending programs that addressed education, medical care, urban problems, and transportation were launched during this period. The Great Society in scope and sweep resembled the New Deal domestic agenda of Franklin D. Roosevelt, but differed sharply in types of programs enacted.
In 1964 the Federal reserved was well in tact and healthy.
Its now 2011.
The world of poverty and racial injustice are still around. Why? Because you can make lazy people not be lazy and you cant make hateful people not hate. These programs failed terribly costing over the last 48 years billions and billions of dollars. Why? Because its not our governments place to fund people that feel the government or society owes them an easy life. You cannot make people not hate. Hate is the root for racism. I, we, us as a society cannot change the things that were done in the past. I do not feel we as today's society owes anyone an apology.. we were not there 150 years ago, 100 years ago 75 years ago when such great atrocities were committed. Even today we as a society are not responsible for the stupidity of a group of stupid peoples actions. We should learn from them, which i feel we are doing. But to keep trying to correct the past is futile. You cannot change the past nor control the future. All we can do is live today.
We fail to realize one God based principle in these programs. "you will work all the days of your life". God told Adam this in the beginning. In the 1900 after the terrible hurricane in Galveston it was printed in the news paper "You don't work... you don't eat". The programs put into place in 1964 made cripples out of poor people. The programs made sure poor people stayed poor. The way they were set up.. you didn't work. You merely sit home and collected AFDC and Food stamps and lived in government housing. It made the government feel as though they did a good thing. They were taking care of the poor. But as with all things, when the US government gets involved it made a mess of things. People on these programs could never pull themselves up any further. It became a way of life. Evident after the Hurricane Katrina disaster. Generations of families on assistance sat waiting for the government to do what they have done for 40 years... take care of them. Give them money, housing and food to exist. Tell them what to do.
This is why Socialism will be and always is the downfall of a country. While capitalism allows the greed of a few, it also demands each person work and be responsible for their own actions and life. Social programs while on the surface seem to be helping people.. in the end hurt and create a society that is dependant on a very corrupt government.
The answer?
In my opinion, the only way to fix the decayed mess our government has created. STOP THE SOCIALISM IDEAS. Less government is the way to go. When our government goes beyond being responsible for the issues established in the early constitution they are out of line. You cannot make people not hate. You can however give people the choice. You want to eat and have a place to live. YOU HAVE TO WORK. You will not be given free food, health care or a place to live. For these services you must work. You can volunteer as a fireman, crossing guard, teachers aid, pick up trash on the street or anything that is a productive part of a society. In doing these things you instill pride and dignity in a person. In doing these things when a "Lonestar" card is presented at a grocery store, the clerk and those around know.. hey.. this person is down on their luck but they are helping our town, state and country and we in turn are giving them food. Then and only then does a person have dignity. There is no dignity in a handout. The Chinese proverb "teach a man to fish and you feed him a lifetime". backs up what i believe to be a Godly principle.
Food for thought. Do you know what the largest industry in the US today?
Think about it for a moment and then scroll down
The legal system. From lawyers to prisons to municipal courts and fines to the Federal level. There is an issue when the largest industry or employer in an area is a prison. It sort of defines us as a society.
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